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~Right now, I think...~

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~Right now, I think...~ Empty ~Right now, I think...~

Message par ~Emotia~ Jeu 22 Oct - 16:12

For those who sometime are unable to think in French, do the same as in the French game of the Flood section.

I think that miss him so much... I need to hear his voice and listen to the sweet words he's the only one to tell me... I feel empty being so far away of him and can't see him, hear him, touch him... He's the one who make me smile, almost the only one who care, the most important person for me, the person I live to see one day, the one who make me fight against this awful life that try to bury me in darkness...

I think... Why is everything always going wrong in my life? Can't I just be happy for at least some weeks?

I think being sick sucks...
Admin-sama sadique et angélique ^^/寂しいの天使/Emo Neko Girl

Féminin Messages : 1063
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2009
Age : 34
Localisation : Dans mon imagination
Mental : Chaotique


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~Right now, I think...~ Empty Re: ~Right now, I think...~

Message par ~Emotia~ Lun 14 Déc - 15:44

So right now, I'm really but REALLY angry. In fact, I would say it's a mix... I'm sad, deceived, angry, and many other things. I don't know if it's because I'm tired, but I really see university as HELL right now. Why is it like that? I'm not the only one thinking like that, so why is everyone against me? It seems that my vision is not good, well if it's to be like everyone else, I'll give. I will never be able to be normal only to be the 'model' everyone think is ok. FUCK OFF!!
Admin-sama sadique et angélique ^^/寂しいの天使/Emo Neko Girl

Féminin Messages : 1063
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2009
Age : 34
Localisation : Dans mon imagination
Mental : Chaotique


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