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All in English

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Message par ~Emotia~ Jeu 16 Juil - 16:43

I can’t take it anymore
I can’t continue to live
I can’t continue to ignore it
I can’t wait for the end to come

I don’t care of what can happen
I don’t care of what everyone will say
I don’t care to be hurt by them
I don’t care to lose my soul...

I want to give up
I want to disappear
I want to go forever
I want to run away

I wish you could here
I wish I could be with you
I wish you would hug me
I wish you would make me feel better

Is there anyone to help me?
Is there anyone to protect me?
Is there anyone to save me?
Is there anyone for me?

Will I ever be happy?
Will I ever forget all those word?
Will I ever get out of that darkness?
Will I ever be saved?
Admin-sama sadique et angélique ^^/寂しいの天使/Emo Neko Girl

Féminin Messages : 1063
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2009
Age : 34
Localisation : Dans mon imagination
Mental : Chaotique


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Message par Kare Jeu 16 Juil - 20:58

Please.... Tia... I don't want that you disappear... Your are my best friend and I need you!! I'm there for you...
悲しいの天使/Sad Tenshi

Féminin Messages : 1591
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2009
Age : 35
Localisation : Canada/Québec
Mental : Montagne russe..... Up and down all the time.......!!! De triste a joyeuse... des larmes aux éclats de rire.......


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Message par ~Emotia~ Ven 17 Juil - 1:32

Yeah well, that's how I was feeling this afternoon (and for some periods of some of the last days) and nobody cared, nobody even see it, so I doubt that you'll see when it'll be too late and anyway, you also have other best friends that can be there for you, I'm not enough useful for anyone to be a big lost (except if we're talking about my weight XD). Anyway, don't worry, I'm not enough courageous and stupid to end my life by myself for now.
Admin-sama sadique et angélique ^^/寂しいの天使/Emo Neko Girl

Féminin Messages : 1063
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2009
Age : 34
Localisation : Dans mon imagination
Mental : Chaotique


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