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~Game: Story~

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Message par ~Emotia~ Ven 24 Juil - 16:44

(This can be very funny... You need to write one sentence to go after the one of the last sender.


Person 1: In front of a door there is a little kitten.
person2: His name was Katze!
person 3: 'What a cute kitten' says Angel when he opens the door.

You've understand??)

Once upon a time, there was a sexy emo angel who was living in Japan.
Admin-sama sadique et angélique ^^/寂しいの天使/Emo Neko Girl

Féminin Messages : 1063
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2009
Age : 34
Localisation : Dans mon imagination
Mental : Chaotique


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~Game: Story~ Empty Re: ~Game: Story~

Message par Kare Dim 26 Juil - 1:28

And he feel really sad... because.... he lost a part of him... an important part of him...
悲しいの天使/Sad Tenshi

Féminin Messages : 1591
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2009
Age : 35
Localisation : Canada/Québec
Mental : Montagne russe..... Up and down all the time.......!!! De triste a joyeuse... des larmes aux éclats de rire.......


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~Game: Story~ Empty Re: ~Game: Story~

Message par ~Emotia~ Dim 26 Juil - 1:29

He was crying all day long, waiting for someone to come and cheer him up.
Admin-sama sadique et angélique ^^/寂しいの天使/Emo Neko Girl

Féminin Messages : 1063
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2009
Age : 34
Localisation : Dans mon imagination
Mental : Chaotique


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~Game: Story~ Empty Re: ~Game: Story~

Message par Kare Lun 27 Juil - 1:08

But that never arrived..... never since a lot of year.... he's despair alone..... Is life is a long loneliness....
悲しいの天使/Sad Tenshi

Féminin Messages : 1591
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2009
Age : 35
Localisation : Canada/Québec
Mental : Montagne russe..... Up and down all the time.......!!! De triste a joyeuse... des larmes aux éclats de rire.......


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~Game: Story~ Empty Re: ~Game: Story~

Message par ~Emotia~ Lun 27 Juil - 7:22

So he was planning on killing himself at his 20th birthday, but that day, while he's going in a place where nobody can find him fast so he can't be saved, he meets a man that will change is life forever.

(Yay, another gay story xDDD)
Admin-sama sadique et angélique ^^/寂しいの天使/Emo Neko Girl

Féminin Messages : 1063
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2009
Age : 34
Localisation : Dans mon imagination
Mental : Chaotique


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~Game: Story~ Empty Re: ~Game: Story~

Message par King Mer 29 Juil - 19:18

This awsome man teach him to love life, but..

Féminin Messages : 245
Date d'inscription : 29/07/2009
Age : 33
Localisation : Nemours - Paris
Mental : Space


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